Well hello there.... I know it's been a while and maybe you can humor me and pretend you've missed me....
So today's post is dedicated to my dear friend Laura who told me about the Blogger App for the iPhone... Leave it to me to start playing with it in the middle of the night instead of sleeping....
So let's talk about my phone - three words: I LOVE IT!!!!
Obviously I am not the only one who does because recently I was checking out Scrapscene.com and saw an altered iPhone dock.... What you say??? Yes!!! An altered iPhone dock!!!! So I follow the link from Scrapscene to this link:
http://scrappystickyinkymess.wordpress.com/2009/10/20/where-technology-and-scrapbooking-collide/ and there are tons of other ideas for making altered iPhone docks (including the pretty one shown here).....

Wow!!!!! Gotta love how some people can be so creative.....
So this is it... My first blog update using my iPhone... Thank you for reading.
Now Laura - Its YOUR TURN!!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone