They opened a new Super Stop & Shop in my town a few months ago. Bobby and I went there the first day they opened and it was so funny to see a store when it is brand new because everything is so "perfect". Not only were the aisles perfectly straight but so were all the things on the shelves. All the loaves of bread perfectly stacked. All the canned goods perfectly stacked with their labels all facing the same way. It was really something to see. All I kept thinking of was the movie "The Stepford Wives" when the ladies are all dressed in their pretty little dresses wheeling around their little carts as if grocery shopping was some sort of gala event.......
I am still kicking myself for being too self conscious and not letting myself take pictures of the perfectly stacked cans..... UGH!!!! I do have picture of Bobby that day but ofcourse he was not about to pose so it is not a good one........
Fast forward several months and we come to my fun little trip to the Super Stop & Shop.
We were out of dog food so I had to make a quick stop. I knew that they had these new "Scan It" gadget thingies now where you can just pick up your own scanner when you enter the store and walk around scanning your groceries as you shop. You ofcourse want to bring your "Green Bags" so that you can just pack as you go. It was actually fun.
Then I see this "Order It" machine by the deli section so I decide to try that too. I punched in my order for Turkey Pastrami (half pound cut medium) and Buffalo Chicken (also half pound cut medium), took my ticket and walked away. A few minutes later over the loud speaker comes a voice saying "Order #22 now ready for pick up at the deli counter". How cute...........
Another funny thing was when you have these little "Scan It" thingies, they alert you to stuff on sale around the area where you are walking.......... So when I was in the dog food aisle it made a little cash register "kaching" sound and popped up a picture of some doggie snack that was on sale..... Sure...... Like I need more temptations for buying stuff I didnt need just because they are on sale.............. UGH....... Dont they know I have no will power..... Wait.... I guess that is why they are doing it, isnt' it............
Finally when I was done I went to the self check out counter and paid for my purchases. Just scan your store card and it knows exactly what you just purchased and you scan your credit card and you're done.......
Okay, okay......... I know......... It is probably pretty lame that I got so excited about my little outing at the grocery store but hey..... sometimes it is the small, stupid stuff in life that you have to stop and enjoy....... Right??????????? (Humor me...... Just say "You're right Maria..........")
There is only one thing that worries me...........
These new things at the grocery stores are all well and good but I am afraid that they are also just steps into putting people out of jobs..........
Think about it......... The more people use these gadgets, the less cashiers you need. The less baggers you need. The less people working and the more people out of a job.............
So yes..... It was fun........ And yes........ It is also sad............