APRIL FOOLS.............

Happy April Fools Day.....

Well, the joke was on ME today.
As you know (well, you do know if you know me.......) I am ALWAYS late to everything!!!!
Today Bobby had a doctor's appoinment scheduled for 2:00 pm.
We went and did his lab work in the morning and then had breakfast and then had time to kill so we went over the TZ Bridge to the mall. We shopped a little and decided that we should leave the mall aroune 1:00 pm to have plenty of time to get back for his appointment.
We leave the parking lot at 1:30 pm - Cause like I said - I am ALWAYS late for everything.
We get on the highway and UGH.......... It is four lanes of bumper to bumper cars, trucks, tractors and even a huge RV......... YIKES..........
So around 1:45 I pick up the phone and call the doctors office to tell them that we will be late.
As I start speaking I look at the car clock and realize I'M AN HOUR EARLY....... It was only 12:45..........
I felt really stupid telling the receptionist at the doctor's office that I cant tell time but I did tell her that the traffic was really bad but we're on our way........

Bobby's physical went fine - He is disappointed that he is only 5 foot 9 and three quarters.
The doctor explained to him that he is not even 16 and he probably still has a few more inches to grow. Okay - So he will probably not be as tall as his Dad but I still need to put on heels and stand on a step stool to look him eye to eye.......


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