Is anyone out there??????????????

Okay - I have no idea who actually reads my blog but for all of you who may be a little interested, I guess you've noticed that I've been a little M-I-A with the blogging world.

Feeling a little down and depressed lately.
I really dont like to feel like this.
Needless to say, the people around me are probably not too thrilled about it either.......

Oh, I have no idea.
I can blame it on the economy (and believe me, right now finances are definitely at the top of my list of things that are depressing me)
I can blame it on hormones (that is the beauty of being a woman - you can always blame it on hormones......)
I can blame it on...........
Well, it really doesn't matter why I am feeling this way.
The main thing is to get my butt moving and snap out of it..........
Easier said than done......

I wanted to wish you all a Happy Belated Christmas and also a Happy New Year (just in case it takes me another month before I blog again)

Well, that's it.
It's almost the end of the year.
Out with the old - In with the new.
I have a ton of things I want to accomplish in 2009 - I bet you probably have a list like that too.
How much of it I will get to, I have no idea.
Oh well........
It is what it is.........

Thanks for listening...........


P.S. - If you are reading this, can you please wave & say "Hello".......



Linda said...

(waving) and saying HELLO!!! I read your blog woman! I know how you're feeling! Been feeling that way myself! Hang in there baby! {{{HUGS}}}

Linda said...

Oops and Happy New Year to you!

Jenni said...

See me waving?? Saying "Hello" too! I can totally relate. With the surgery ending up right before Christmas & then spending Christmas day in the ER with Fred, I have totally been in quite a "mood". Time for a new beginning for all of us. Hope to see you all soon. =]

Marie R. said...

Maria i know what you mean...09 has got to be better... let's hang in there together ok chickie... happy new year i am here for ya....

Marie R. said...
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Kristie said...

Hiiiiiiiiiii Maria!
Happy New Year!!

sylscrapbooks said...

Wow, look at all the people who read your blog! That's great. Happy New Year and here's to being (even) better in 2009!