What a COLD and snowy day. I guess that little groundhog in Pennsylvania was right - We have to deal with a lot more winter before we get to spring.
I'm not sure how many inches our town got but some parts of Long Island got 13 inches and Central Park got about 8. What ever we got, it sure did make the day miserable.

Wait..... Actually it really wasn't that miserable:
Bob is happy because he is putting in tons of overtime plowing snow.
Bobby was happy because there was no school (although he was not thrilled when I told him to go shovel the sidewalk)
I was happy because the office was closed AND I have tomorrow off so I end up with a four day weekend.

What did I do on my day off????????
Well, I wish I could tell you about all sorts of productive things I did but I guess I would be lying to you.
I spent most of the day on the computer blog hopping.
All is not lost - I found tons of new sites that are definitely worth following.

So - As promised - Here are a few pictures.
They are nothing special - I barely stepped out of the house (I guess I'm not exactly a very dedicated photographer).
Neither Bobby or Muffin were thrilled about posing for me.

The lawn stuff left out from last year did not have a chance to resist - They cant run from my camera - On the other hand they also are not much for posing and saying "cheese"........

They say March comes in like a Lion and leaves like a Lamb.
Let's hope this was the end of the big snows......
I'm ready for sunshine & blue skies and definitely ready for the blooms of the garden.........


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