Jackie "The Jokeman" Martling

Bob has been a big fan of Jackie Martling for years and many moons ago I used to like listening to him with Howard Stern.
The other day Bob saw that Jackie would be in Danbury doing a fund raiser so we called number after number after number and finally got details about the show.

We got there early thinking there would be a HUGE crowd (cause hey - It's Jackie.....) but we were very surprised to see that it was a small turnout (obviously due to horrible advertising).

Actually the fact that it was a small crowd probably made the show more fun because we sat right in the front row, we got to meet Jackie after the show and Bob won a T-shirt by "Stumping the Jokeman". The joke he told is not one of my favorites but since Jackie did not know it, Bob won and it definitely made his day.
Afterwards we went out for drinks and a bite to eat at a local place that we have never been to.
It was fun - We met good people - the food was awesome - the drinks hit the spot.

Definitely a great night..........

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