Well, we stayed home again this weekend.
The weather was supposed to be all rainy and nasty but it turned out not so bad which ofcourse makes me sad that we did not go camping.
We only have two more weeks left.
I cant believe "Closing" is almost here.

What did I do all weekend - Again???
I have no clue.......
It's like you spend the whole weekend doing laundry, cooking and doing dishes and all the other fun house stuff but when you look back you just wonder if it even made a dent??????
I love to see the neatness of where I've cleaned but it's so frustrating to see the rest... And I must confess - "the rest" is much more than then clean part.
Both Bob and Bobby looked at me all weird because I yelled at them both this weekend.
Well, not really yelled but I kept telling them to pick up this and put that away, etc.
They know I am NOT a clean freak (I'm more the Oscar Madison type) but I told them the only way we are going to ever get any order around this place is if I do become a Royal Bitch and start yelling at anyone who does not put things where they belong.
Yes......... I know - I know........ That rule should also apply to ME......
At least there are a few inches of "clean space" around here now - That is good.

But I sure do wish we had gone campin..........


Well, since I had blogged about the last game at Yankee Stadium, I guess it would be only fair to mention that today was the last game at Shea Stadium.
They lost.
Nuff said.....

(Sorry - Not a Mets fan......)


Stephanie - AKA: "Livingroomfloor" over at SIS - is coming to New York next month so she is hosting an NYC ATC Swap.

There 10 of us participating in this one.

I decided to do two different ATC's for this swap.

One is for Broadway because who can think of NYC without thinking of Broadway and one of the shows that I would love to see right now is Wicked. (Now if someone could suggest to Bob that he should get some tickets and take me I would really appreciate it...........)
The other ATC is actually from an ad for Kids R Us but I thought it was cute and again - Who can think of NYC without thinking of the yellow cabs......

I hope Stephanie and the other girls like my ATC's.........

BTW - Go see Stephanie's Blog here:

She is a very talented lady and she's got some really amazing stamps that I am sure you'll want to check out.......


Yankee Stadium.
1923 - 2008

What can I say......
I am not a sports fan. I am not a baseball fan.
But I will definitely remember some really amazing times in these seats....

And the best part - Knowing that my son got to see some great games in "The House That Ruth Built" (This picture is from June, 2008)


Saturday, September 20, 2008 - 292 tow trucks spell out the words 'NEW YORK' on a runway at Brooklyn's Floyd Bennett Field after setting the Guinness World Record for 'Largest Tow Truck Parade'. The parade, which included flatbeds, wreckers and 50-ton rotators, was staged by the Metropolitan New York Towing Association and went from Shea Stadium in Queens to the small historic airport in Gateway National Park in Brooklyn.

According to Norman Teitler, Metropolitan’s executive director, the purposes of this event are to set a new Guinness World Record; remember those tow truck drivers, who as emergency responders 24/7, have died in the line of duty during the last year; and raise money for Shriners Hospitals for Children from the corporate sponsors involved. Metropolitan‘s goal is not only to break the existing record (83 tow trucks in Washington back in 2004), but also to establish a record so large, it will not be broken again.

As I look at these pictures I wonder just how many of these tow truck drivers I know.
Probably a whole lot of them.

MOVING ON...........

Yesterday was our last day working at our old office.
Today was spent moving boxes and computers over to the new office.

This weekend everything gets hooked up and we go in to do our final set up of our work area (as little as it is considering most of us are going from our own office to a cubicle the size of a postage stamp........)

Monday - Back to work as usual.
But will it be the same???????
How can it????????

Some things I will miss:
Having my own office. Not that it was fancy but at least it was mine for so many years.
Being able to wear either pants and heals or jeans and sneakers depending on the mood.
Being able to have flexibility with my hours (I am NOT a morning person.....)

Some things will be good:
New place - New start - New attitude
Although my new work area is small, at least it is "pretty". I do like the decor and I am planning on a "fresh start" of being more organized, more punctual, and more productive.
No, I dont mean doing more work - I have tried that.... I have tried "getting everything done" but that is just not possible and no matter how you try there will always be someone who feels you're not doing enough....
The only thing that I CAN try to do is do more of "my work" and do it more efficiently. (Hey, remember what Chris used to say all the time: "Work smarter - not harder") I'll just try to get everything accomplished that I set out to do before I get distracted by all the other things that need to be done.
I am not sure if this is possible but the plan is to walk in Monday with a new attitude.
Just do as much as I possibly can and call it a day and go home to what is truly important in my life: MY FAMILY.........

Do you remember the final episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show??????
The cast all hugged each other and did not want to leave and finally they walked toward the door still holding each other.......
It's funny. Somehow I thought our last day at our old office would have been more emotional....

But also - Let's not forget the beginning of that same show.......
When Mary tosses her hat up in the air.
So happy about her future and all the great things ahead...........

So fine - I will not look back........
I too will toss my hat up in the air and look forward to all that the future has to offer.



Today is 9/11/08.
It has been 7 years.
Today's weather is beautiful here in New York.
Just like it was 7 years ago.
Just like it was in Washington.
Just like it was in Pennsylvania.

Has it been so long???
Have we forgotten???
Can we ever forget???

As I sit here on my computer I hear the TV in the back ground. The news is on.
I am filled with emotions. Emotions which I can not describe to you in words.
I will keep my thoughts to myself. I am sure you have thoughts of your own.

Just one thing.
Never forget 9/11/01
Never forget there are dangerous people out there. We do not know their names. We do not know their faces. We do not know what country they are from. We do not know what religion they are. But they are out there.............
NEVER FORGET: There are also HEROS out there. We do not know their names. We do not know their faces. We do not know what country they are from. We do not know what religion they are. But they are out there..........

You may find yourself on a day when you are face to face with someone.
Only then will you find out if they were an "Enemy" or your "Hero".
Only then will you find out if they were there to hurt you or to save you.
Until then - DO NOT JUDGE.

be aware of the crazy people who dont know any better.....


Drinks anyone????????

I admit it - I've been feeling a tiny bit STRESSED lately.
Sometimes when you are stressed, you think to yourself: Hmmmm Maybe I should mix up a nice drink for myself.
Maybe a nice vodka and orange juice - Maybe a nice Chocolate Martini..........
Hey - You really don't even need to mix it yourself - Sometimes I like to just pick up a nice bottle of Van Gogh flavored vodka......... YUMMY!!!!!!!
But what I want to know is this:
Who in their right mind would think of mixing BACON with VODKA??????????????
Yup - You heard me........ There is actually "Bacon Flavored Vodka" and here is the recipe:

Fry three strips of bacon
Add cooked bacon to a clean pint sized mason jar. Trim the ends of the bacon if they are too tall to fit in the jar. Or go hog wild and pile in a bunch of fried bacon scraps.
Optional: add crushed black peppercorns.
Fill the jar with vodka. Cap and place in a dark cupboard for at least three weeks.(No need to refrigerate.)
At the end of the three week resting period, place the bacon vodka in the freezer to solidify the fats. Strain out the fats through a coffee filter to yield a clear filtered pale yellow bacon vodka.
Decant into decorative bottles and enjoy.

(If you dont believe that this is an actual recipe - just do a Search and see for yourself)

My life is a bit stressful right now but if I ever get to the point where I start mixing up a batch of Bacon-tini's please just lock me up in a padded room somewhere and throw away the key.......



UGH............... What a horrible day I had. I'm seriously stressing at work. Nothing is going right. Do you ever feel like you're a little hampster on one of those wheels running as fast as you can and getting nowhere?????? Well, that's how I felt and I was feeling really, really upset.

Anyway..... Instead of working late I decided I'd better leave on time and go home.

Things then started picking up. Two great things:

1 - The Purple Monkey ice cream shop finally opened up. They've been "Coming Soon" for months and I even said to Bobby that I wish they were open and sure enough as we pulled into the parking lot to get our Subway sandwiches, there they were - The Purple Monkey was open for business.

We ofcourse had to go in - Not bad - Not bad at all........ Nothing like a little ice cream to start getting you out of a mood....... Especially when you get to have ice cream with the best kid in the whole world who is starting 10th grade tomorrow..........

2 - Look at the pretty card that Laura sent me....... I can always count on her to cheer me up. Enclosed in the card was a little blurb from a magazine that she cut out. It was about "Glamping":
If your idea of roughing it is basic cable, then Glamping - a blend of glamour and camping - is for you. When Glamping, you sleep in a luxurious tent with carpets, a fireplace, a TV, fine food, and other amenities. But the bugs aren't of a higher caliber.

Thanks Laura - I needed that - A gorgeous card and a good laugh can also help a girl start getting out of a bad mood.......

(If you want to check out Laura's Blog go here: She is not only a great friend but a great talent so go check her out...........)


Yup - I admit it. Sometimes you just gotta love the bad boyz. Definitely gotta love em when they do stuff like this:

1 - LUDACRIS & TOMMY LEE do their part to GO GREEN:

That's just a funny commercial for Planet Green - The first "All Green TV Network". I'm addicted to this channel. Anyway - Ludacris and Tommy Lee had a showdown on who could be more green. It was called "Battleground Earth". Lots of fun stuff. Great guests along the way. Dont know how much it saved the planet but it was fun to watch and as far as I'm concerned every little bit helps..........

Kid Rock has some songs that I like but this one - Well........ I just LOVE IT.

Who doesn't love good ole Southern Rock & Roll?????? Give me some Lynyrd Skynyrd any day and I'm a happy camper. Then Kid Rock goes and takes Sweet Home Alabama and does his version and he's singing about hanging out by the camp fire and doing all sorts of crazy things ALL SUMMER LONG........... Oh yeah......... Woooo Hooo........
Okay - I know......... I am not as young and sexy as the girls he has in his video and I am DEFINITELY not doing most of the things that man is probably doing but heck, it's a great feel good, turn up the radio & roll down the windows, open the sun roof and let your hair fly free kinda song that is fun to blast as your flying down the highway on my way to go camping on the weekends........
Labor Day is over and summer will be gone soon enough. Let me have a little fun and enjoy the Bad Boyz of Summer - 2008..........


Hey, it's not MY fault that Michaels messed up is it???????
THEY were the ones who sent out an E-mail coupon showing a "40% OFF YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE".

So what if the bar code on the coupon rings up as 40% on only one item (which is obviously what they intended to advertise). Well, there were a few people who were quick enough to catch this error before Michaels corrected their site. Those quick people were kind enough to share with many others - Me being one of them.
Yup - I printed out a whole bunch of these "40% OFF YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE" coupons and went to town...... Well, actually, I went to SEVERAL towns and several Michaels and shopped my little butt off....

I shopped in Hartsdale, I shopped in Brewster, I shopped in Waterford - No problems in any of these stores.

I did have a problem in Waterbury..... They only took the 40% off one item and since the store was closing the manager was a pain in the XXX and would not re-ring everything so I made her write something on the receipt and I took it all back today and had the poor cashier girl ring everything up..... Hey - I saved more than 30 bucks so it was worth it.........

Then ofcourse I topped it off with a Finale with one Michael's 50% off coupon and one AC Moore 50% off coupon. (These were actual correct coupons from the Sunday paper.)

Okay - I think I'm done buying for a while. Gotta lay low and start MAKING STUFF!!!!!!!!!!
