Today is 9/11/08.
It has been 7 years.
Today's weather is beautiful here in New York.
Just like it was 7 years ago.
Just like it was in Washington.
Just like it was in Pennsylvania.

Has it been so long???
Have we forgotten???
Can we ever forget???

As I sit here on my computer I hear the TV in the back ground. The news is on.
I am filled with emotions. Emotions which I can not describe to you in words.
I will keep my thoughts to myself. I am sure you have thoughts of your own.

Just one thing.
Never forget 9/11/01
Never forget there are dangerous people out there. We do not know their names. We do not know their faces. We do not know what country they are from. We do not know what religion they are. But they are out there.............
NEVER FORGET: There are also HEROS out there. We do not know their names. We do not know their faces. We do not know what country they are from. We do not know what religion they are. But they are out there..........

You may find yourself on a day when you are face to face with someone.
Only then will you find out if they were an "Enemy" or your "Hero".
Only then will you find out if they were there to hurt you or to save you.
Until then - DO NOT JUDGE.

be aware of the crazy people who dont know any better.....


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