Stephanie - AKA: "Livingroomfloor" over at SIS - is coming to New York next month so she is hosting an NYC ATC Swap.

There 10 of us participating in this one.

I decided to do two different ATC's for this swap.

One is for Broadway because who can think of NYC without thinking of Broadway and one of the shows that I would love to see right now is Wicked. (Now if someone could suggest to Bob that he should get some tickets and take me I would really appreciate it...........)
The other ATC is actually from an ad for Kids R Us but I thought it was cute and again - Who can think of NYC without thinking of the yellow cabs......

I hope Stephanie and the other girls like my ATC's.........

BTW - Go see Stephanie's Blog here:

She is a very talented lady and she's got some really amazing stamps that I am sure you'll want to check out.......

1 comment:

Linda said...

Those are AWESOME! I can't wait to get one!!