Yesterday was our last day working at our old office.
Today was spent moving boxes and computers over to the new office.
This weekend everything gets hooked up and we go in to do our final set up of our work area (as little as it is considering most of us are going from our own office to a cubicle the size of a postage stamp........)
Monday - Back to work as usual.
But will it be the same???????
How can it????????
Some things I will miss:
Having my own office. Not that it was fancy but at least it was mine for so many years.
Being able to wear either pants and heals or jeans and sneakers depending on the mood.
Being able to have flexibility with my hours (I am NOT a morning person.....)
Some things will be good:
New place - New start - New attitude
Although my new work area is small, at least it is "pretty". I do like the decor and I am planning on a "fresh start" of being more organized, more punctual, and more productive.
No, I dont mean doing more work - I have tried that.... I have tried "getting everything done" but that is just not possible and no matter how you try there will always be someone who feels you're not doing enough....
The only thing that I CAN try to do is do more of "my work" and do it more efficiently. (Hey, remember what Chris used to say all the time: "Work smarter - not harder") I'll just try to get everything accomplished that I set out to do before I get distracted by all the other things that need to be done.
I am not sure if this is possible but the plan is to walk in Monday with a new attitude.
Just do as much as I possibly can and call it a day and go home to what is truly important in my life: MY FAMILY.........
Do you remember the final episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show??????
The cast all hugged each other and did not want to leave and finally they walked toward the door still holding each other.......
It's funny. Somehow I thought our last day at our old office would have been more emotional....
But also - Let's not forget the beginning of that same show.......
When Mary tosses her hat up in the air.
So happy about her future and all the great things ahead...........
So fine - I will not look back........
I too will toss my hat up in the air and look forward to all that the future has to offer.
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